Tuesday 31 January 2012

Hyper Text Coffee Pot Control Protocol

Nerds do have a sense of humour, just not what you expect.

It is sometimes a bit childish, but more often than not a lot more cerebral.

The Internet uses the Hyper Text Transfer Protocol, that is what the 'http' means in front of the website addresses. This is a standard that is specified and controlled by the World Wide Web Consortium, that oversees the Internet.

There are other standards as well, that define everything that you see or don't see when opening your browser and hitting 'search'.

But the one that it the most important started off as a joke, but is still official. Go see what Wikipedia says if you don't believe me.


Of course, I don't expect everyone to understand.

Monday 9 January 2012

The era of the tablet has arrived

Smartphones and tablets are taking over, adding features to a single device will always be a compromise but to most of the casual users this does not really matter.
NPD: US holiday electronics sales drop 5.9 percent - http://pulse.me/s/4NI9B